Friday, 25 March 2011

Tuesday 22 March - Back home from Lesotho

It is amazing what you learn on a journey and who you meet.  Our flight was ok but 11 hours in a seat is not the best place to sleep!!! I have great memories of all the days I spent in  Lesotho and was envious of the straightforward wisdon of so many people I met there including our key driver.  "Don't knock your house down until you have built your new one."

At a BBQ on Sunday afternoon I met a man who was the DFID programme manager from the UK.  He had just sold his car to an organisation called MAF (mission aviation fellowship) because he was returning to England.  He spoke with great enthusiasm about the work done by MAF in their flying doctor service to the Highlands of Lesotho.  My dad was Chief Executive of MAF for 10 years in the 1980's and 90's!! 

On the tube from Heathrow to Kings Cross I met an English man who got engaged in Maseru 4 years ago!!!  On the train from Kings Cross to Newark I met a man who was marking a PHD thesis who knew of all the development activities currently taking place in Lesotho.  On the train from Newark to Barnetby I sat next to a man from India who was travelling to Lincoln to provide software development services for an insurance company.  His software writers are based in India, recently he was assisting with other software development in Africa.

It a small world!!!

Sunday 19th March - Day 6 in Lesotho


Managed to get a few more pictures of the brilliant scenery.  We met with the Rector (Principal of the college) for 3 hours this morning and had a very good meeting.  The pictures I have taken are from the countryside round Maseru, unfortunately we have not had time to go up into the high mountains where the scenery is even more spectacular.  Monday is our reporting back day at the college and the beginning of our journey home.  I will miss Lesotho.  It is a place that really grows on you and the people I have met share a desire to make a difference.  

Friday, 18 March 2011

Day 4 - Friday 18 March - Morning in Lesotho

Hi. The sun has come out again and shows what a beautiful setting we are in. The picture is the main admin block built in 1997 funded by Ireland. This morning we were woken by the sound of trumpets and a procession of children from the local school marching away to the area sports day. They were very good with the trumpets just like the world cup again!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Day 3 - Thursday 17 March

Hi all. 

Bad night sleep last night! Seems there are dogs, birds, and chickens all making a noise right outside our house!  This is only added to by the new house being on a rough track and vehicles started at 5 am. 

We have just finished session with staff and are sorting a training session for Friday.  The weather has changed today also.  Outside looks like a wet day in Wigan minus the buildings!  Staff are really friendly and seem to be enjoying the challenge.  I'm very much looking forward to seeing the hills on Saturday.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Wednesday 15 March - Second Day in Lesotho

Its really hot and humid here.  Stayed last night at a guest house.  There was a massive rainstorm at night and all around was very wet this morning.  Today was out first day with college leaders exploring the work we are here to do. The issues faced by students in Lesotho are the same but the starting point is massively lower than uk. Jo and I are well looked after and have been allocated a minder on all our travel to the city. The picture shows the security level at our house that we are staying in for the rest of the time and they are posting a guard at the gate! We have been made very welcome and are looking forward to the next days.

View from the house of the college

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tuesday 15 March - First Day in Lesotho

Hi its Tuesday evening. We have had a very long day with extraordinary meetings with key staff at the college and aid workers. They are all highly committed to the cause. Very aware of local and international issues. Being here you begin to realise that we are all part of a very connected global community. The acting rector of the college will soon be the Lesotho ambassador to Ireland!  Big day tomorrow. Still healthy.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Sunday 13th Getting Ready to go to Lesotho

How do you prepare for the unexpected? I am travelling with Jo Bailey, Principal of Winstanley Sixth Form College, Wigan. We have just talked on the phone and decided that it is best not to plan too far ahead. Get to the airport, board the plane and take it from there! We fly overnight to Johannesburg and then board a small plane to Maseru, capital of Lesotho, and expect to arrive around noon on Tuesday at the College. Lesotho is a 'mountain kingdom' about the size of Wales. It is in the Drakensberg range and the lowest parts are higher than Snowdon. We are engaged in pilot research programme supporting leadership development with African partners. The College we are working with is the Lesotho College of Education. I am hoping that we are able to develop another international partner so that we can further develop educational opportunities for staff and students in UK.

Clive Wilson - Deputy Principal - Visits Lesotho, Africa

On Monday 14th March, Clive Wilson, Deputy Principal will travel to Lesotho to see how the education systems works there and to create links with the UK for mutual benefit. Lesotho is a developing country with many challenges.  Clive was in South Africa in 2005 for a similar project. Franklin staff have a long history of working with colleges in other countries and involving students. Franklin College in practice is 'International' in its perspecive an invites all students to get involved in international activity. Recent highlights have been a theatre programme with Poland,  a language school with the University of Granada (Spain) and the ongoing link with Aggrey Memorial School (Ghana) and the Amazing Grace Charity. Watch here over the next week to see how things develop in Lesotho!  

Lesotho's Location in Africa (GMT +2)